Ampac Introduces First Almond Pouch with QuickZip/Aplix Closure


Ampac, a leader in creative packaging solutions, has introduced its first commercial stand-up pouch with customer Select Harvest, utilizing the QuickZip® closure featuring the Aplix fastener system.

QuickZip is an alternative closure to the traditional press-to-close zipper. The innovation utilizes a zipper closure method with hook and loop technology that is easy to open and reseal for those that struggle with traditional closures. It allows minimal pressure to close, has rigid grips to facilitate opening and does not require precise alignment of the zipper.

Additional features of the QuickZip closure include contaminant resistance. The closure allows for numerous openings and closings and is excellent for dry product applications and readily seals through powders and fine particles.

Ampac’s QuickZip closure was recently launched commercially for Select Harvest’s rotogravure printed stand-up almond pouch. Select Harvest, a longtime producer of almonds for food service applications, chose to partner with Ampac on the debut launch of its California Almonds into the retail market. The pouch promotes a growing consumer trend of healthy snacking and addresses convenience, easy opening and the need for reclosability.

Millie Nuno, Ampac senior market manager for food says, “Ampac is proud to partner with Select Harvest in the advancement of its brand and to provide an enhanced consumer experience with an innovation like the QuickZip closure in their California Almond pouch. The pouch was printed, laminated and converted at our Hanover Park manufacturing center of excellence.”

Ampac is one of the world’s leaders in creative flexible packaging with manufacturing centers of excellence on three continents – North America, Europe, and Asia – with plants in seven countries (including U.S., U.K., Germany, Switzerland, China, and Southeast Asia.