Cross Country Trains renew timetable contract with Polestar Group

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Cross Country Trains has renewed its timetable production contract with  Polestar Group’s direct mail and technology division, Polestar Applied Solutions. Polestar has created, printed and distributed the train operating company’s collateral since the franchise began in 2007.

“We’re delighted that Cross Country Trains has extended its relationship with us. We look forward to delivering best in class service with innovation and technology as our main focus areas,” said Polestar’s head of new media Ian Allan.

The timetables are created with the firm’s online platform and then printed in large quantities of hundreds of thousands on a Heidelberg CutStar B1 presses at Polestar Stones in Banbury.

“In that sector we use innovative tools to enhance the speed in which a piece of collateral can be created, whether that be a timetable or an engineering update poster,” said Allan.

Polestar Applied Solutions is the Nottinghamshire-based £20m turnover transactional mail, direct mail and technology division of the £250m turnover, 2,000 staff Polestar Group and in April IPC Media confirmed that it had awarded its entire print contract to Polestar in a £25m deal that will become effective from July.

IPC was said to have awarded the contract to Polestar on a six-year term from July 2014 through to 2020. The work will be produced at Polestar’s sites in Sheffield, Wakefield, Leeds and Bicester, with sheet fed production being handled at Stones in Banbury.

As Europe’s largest independent print company Polestar already handles the production of 15 of IPC’s specialist magazines (two weeklies, and 13 monthly/four-weekly titles) in a contract which runs until 2017. The 15 specialist magazines are produced at Polestar Chantry and Polestar Colchester.

The Polestar Group comprises 8 companies, between them offering a range of services, technologies and capabilities, enabling them to offer our customers a comprehensive printing services including digital print, direct mail, interactive print, publication printing, and gravure printing.

Polestar Head Office – 1 Apex Business Park Boscombe Road Dunstable Bedfordshire LU5 4SB United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1582 678900