Pre-Press Troubleshooting App released by Sun Chemical


Sun Chemical has launched a troubleshooting app to aid printers on the go and have designed the app as an addition to its online support, providing immediate solutions to any difficulty a printer might face during a press run when using the company’s flexographic, sheetfed, paper packaging, gravure, or UV curable inks.

After choosing the printing process, the app uses both photos and defect terms (dot gain, pinholes, feathering, comets, etc.) to help the printer identify which technical problem they are facing. Then they can read the solution provided by Sun Chemical to resolve their particular challenge.

The troubleshooting app, available on Google Play and the Apple App Store is simply and clearly laid-out for ease of use.

“We want to provide our customers with a useful tool that helps them troubleshoot issues that can occur on a press,” says Penny Holland, vice president of marketing, North American Inks, Sun Chemical.

She added: “Our customers need to keep their pressrooms running smoothly and limit downtime. This online and mobile solution can help them resolve problems. It is just another way that we are working for our customers.”

Sun Chemical, a member of the DIC group, is the world’s largest producer of printing inks and pigments and a leading provider of materials to packaging, publication, coatings, plastics, cosmetics, and other industrial markets. With annual sales of more than $3.5 billion, Sun Chemical has over 8,000 employees supporting customers around the world.

Sun Chemical Corporation is a subsidiary of Sun Chemical Group Coöperatief U.A., the Netherlands, and is headquartered in Parsippany, New Jersey, U.S.A